No matter what brings a new client to the Pilates studio for their first session, we as instructors take the time to get to know the client, how they move and their objectives for commencing with us. In my experience, the best place to get to know their physicality is on the Cadillac. Obviously, it doubles as a raised mat which is handy if a client can’t get to the ground with ease, but thanks to JHP’s design … the fittings and structure of this apparatus make our job much easier.

The Push-Through bar helps me connect the limbs to the trunk in static and dynamic moments. This lets me know how I can support a client or where I need to take them in the system; all while the client is feeling the idea of opening their back or having a stretch.

The Roll-up Bar (RUB) obviously helps to teach the skill of a Roll-up, but it is a handy device to open up the pelvis and low back to offer a client some gentle traction so that they can access the stickier parts of their body. The Cadillac and RUB together make a fantastic pair as we move away from the therapeutic and foundation work into the flowing exercises such as Rolling Stomach Massage and Rolling in/out; to have one apparatus that enables you to work from day one to Pilates pro is inspired! We also use the RUB in kneeling, L-sit or standing as a phenomenal tool to integrate and strengthen the upper body. This is how we develop the body … working from different positions that connect the exercises together into a method.

Connecting the limbs to the centre in dynamic movements such as the 100 or leg circle on the mat can be aided by the arm or leg springs in supine… so if your client arches their lower back because they don’t yet have the strength or technique, teaching leg to torso connection with the single or double leg springs is the best place to start. If the 100 arm pumping is causing neck strain or they aren’t quite ready, the supine arm series when well taught will do the trick. You can deconstruct the full classical Mat or Reformer actions on the Cadillac with more support from the table, the apparatus and you of course … your client will thank you and you will see all of the dots connect.

I could go on and on about this but indulge me for one more example?

The canopy rails are often used once a client is super strong and connected … but they can also help us get there sooner. I use the frame of the Cadillac to build a few things for both new and experienced clients … namely, grip strength, hip and trunk / core compression and scapulae swing and shoulder freedom.

The Cadillac or The Rack is honestly our favourite apparatus in the studio and it is the back-bone of our ‘studio classes’. It is the ultimate apparatus to teach the original and allied methods in the private and group format and is much better suited to most of the population than the Reformer. This is one element of change I hope to see during my career … choosing the best apparatus for the client!


Inclusive ACCESSible, still classical